Ciabatta: a traditional Italian cuisine that is conquering the taste buds of food lovers around the world


"Ciabatta" originated from the bread culture in Italy and is an important part of the daily life of the Italian people.The

craftsmanship of making this bread has been passed down from generation to generation,and after countless refinements

and improvements, it has finally formed the current ciabatta.In Italy, every piece of ciabatta carries the craftsman's heart and

wisdom,which is the accumulation of time and the continuation of tradition.


The raw materials of Ciabatta are water, yeast, flour, salt, and some add olive oil.Therefore,French bakers often refer to

Ciabatta as"olive oil-added baguettes".The dough of Ciabatta has a high water content,so it is very soft,which makes people

exclaim, "This isnot a dough, it's just a piece of batter that can't be lifted ontothe plate!"Therefore, during the production

process,it is not necessaryto knead, just keep folding it, which not only reduces the time and heat of beating,but also makes

the internal structure of the doughmore delicate, and retains more of the original aroma of the flour.

The appearance of the baked Ciabatta is very similar to a slipper, so the Italians call it "Ciabatta",which is the Italian

pronunciationof "slipper".It may be ugly, but under the crispy crust of ciabatta is a soft and moist bread core.It is simply the

raw material formaking natural sandwiches and panini, which can carry infinite combinations andcreativity.The Italian burger

bun is actually thecharacteristic bread ciabatta in Italy, also known as slipper bread.The well-known KFC panini is made with

ciabatta bread.

Ciabatta is a unique and delicious bread that carries the tradition and culture of Italy and showcases the wisdom and

skillsof bakers.With the process of globalization, ciabatta has gradually entered All over the world.More and more people

have begunto enjoy this bread from Italy.In bakeries and cafes, you can see the appearance of ciabatta.It has also become

a favoritebreakfast and afternoon tea choice for All over the world people.Whether as a staple food or complementary food,

ciabattacan bring us endless taste enjoyment.

Post time: Dec-01-2023